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Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yay for Halloween, best time of the year. Especially because I think my costume is rockin' the cat box (I know it's casbah, but cat box is funnier, and because I always get song lyrics wrong, it fits). This costume has to be one of the best, if not THE best, costumes I've ever created. Of course, pictures will be coming tomorrow.

As for now, I'm making cookies and I'm going to decorate them henna-style, meaning not just frosting and sprinkles but intricate designs.  I got this brilliant idea from my friend who has been letting me apprentice for her.  Said friend and I did this a few weeks ago and had a blast. It's nice to be domestic every-so-often.

And now for something completely different: I'M IN A SHOW!  Happy day. I auditioned a while back (can't remember the date) and then was cast as the Innkeeper's Wife. I get to do improv the entire time. I have to be saucy and flirty.  It's a tad difficult because I'm no where close to being saucy and only sort of flirt. But, hey, I think I can do it, and apparently so do the people that cast me, so w00t!

Okay, blog time over. Have a great Halloween!


  1. Welcome back! Nice to see you posting again. Break a leg in the show, sorry I can't come (for more than one reason).

  2. Cant wait to see your costume!!!
